L I L L Y . F . W A N G

Personal Portfolio

A B O U T . M E

I am a Junior studying Computer Science and Psychology at Columbia University's Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Sciences. This personal website is all about showcasing some of thing things I have accomplished in my 20 short years of life so far. It is also something I redesign for fun in my free time, and it reflects my interest in graphic and web design.


Software Engineering Intern
Facebook - Menlo Park, CA
Summer 2015. iOS Interfaces Team

Teaching Assistant
Columbia University - New York, NY
Spring 2015. COMS W3101 - Python

Girls Coding Club Instructor
Booker T Washington Middle School - New York, NY
Spring 2015.

Software Engineer
Closet Collective - New York, NY
Summer 2014. Adapt ecommerce platform (Shopify) to support a growing customer base with the launch of a new subscription service; use data and algorithms to customize Closet Collective's user experience; redesign website for friendly and easy user interaction (e.g. social media integration)

Executive Board
Engineers Without Borders (Columbia University) - New York, NY
2014, 2015. Webmaster, created homepage for Columbia's Engineers Without Borders Chapter.

Admissions Office Intern
Columbia University - New York, NY
Spring 2014, Spring 2015. Work with Admissions Officers at Columbia; serve as recruitment coordinator (2014) and engineering coordinator (2013) on advisory board of a student group on campus run by Admissions (Undergraduate Recruitment Committee); plan admitted students weekend; give campus tours; interview high school applicants of Columbia.

Programming Languages
Proficient: Java, MatLab, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Git
Learning: Objective C, Python, C/C++


A small gallery of Computer Science projects I have completed.

Super Smash Brothers
PC adaptation of Nintendo's Super Smash Brothers using the Ucigame Java graphics package to animate characters.

Binomial Calculator
An efficient application designed to evaluate mathematical expressions using various data structures such as binary search trees and stacks.
Personal Website
HTML/CSS, JavaScript
Reflects the most recent web design technologies I teach myself, a place to apply new skills as I learn them.
Closet Collective
HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Liquid
Adapt ecommerce platform (Shopify) to support a growing customer base with the launch of a new subscription service; use data and algorithms to customize Kookopa’s user experience; redesign website for friendly and easy user interaction (e.g. social media integration)
Flick Find
HTML/CSS, JavaScript
A web application that allows users to refine a search in the Flickr database by specifying tags, usernames, and dates using Flickr's API. Implements responsive designs and utilizes HTML5/CSS3.

C O N T A C T . M E